Magna RIP Quad RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation Kit

产品编号:17-704 品牌:Sigma-Aldrich 运输条件:-20°C
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17-704 48 assays ¥35176.00 请登录 现货
产品描述 RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation (RIP) is the RNA analog of the more well-known ChIP application (chromatin immunoprecipitation), which identifies DNA targets of DNA-binding proteins in an in-vivo cellular context. RIP can be used to identify specific RNA molecules (of many types) associated with specific nuclear or cytoplasmic binding proteins. These experiments involve immunoprecipitation of endogenously formed complexes of RNA-binding proteins and co-isolation of any RNA species associated with that RNA-binding protein. Purification of these RNA species allows interrogation and identification of mRNAs (and potentially non-coding RNAs associated with them) and can be directly measured using down stream applications including quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), microarray analysis (RIP-chip) and “deep-sequencing” or 2nd-generation sequencing based platforms (RIP-Seq).
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